
Cookies are small files that store information about what a user is doing on a website. This website uses cookies.

Cookies for statistics and analytics

This website uses cookies for statistics and analytics to monitor how visitors use the site. This helps us to improve the site. It shows where users require more information and how the site can be made more user-friendly. These types of cookies do not affect privacy. That is why they are exempt from the rules on cookies in the Telecommunications Act. This means this website does not request permission from visitors to use these cookies.

Piwik PRO for web statistics

For its web statistics, this website uses the open-source web analytics platform Piwik. We analyse this data, so that the website can meet visitors’ needs more effectively. The data is not used for any purpose other than improving the website.

No tracking cookies

Tracking cookies follow users as they visit different websites. This website does not use tracking cookies. As a result, it does not support the Do Not Track (DNT) web browser feature. This website complies with Dutch law.